My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I found this book at the library and since it was on my TBR list, I picked it up. I was not at all disappointed.
The characters are believable, and the author did a wonderful job jumping for past to present and between characters narrating the story. The only time this confused me is when I had to stop in the middle of a chapter. There was great balance between fact and fiction, showing enough information about the elephants but it didn’t overpower the story or the characters.
I think the reason I had pressed on so enthusiastically, reading 200 pages in 2 days, was that I had read a review claiming that the end was a HUGE surprise. I will not reveal any spoilers but it wasn’t until the last 30 pages that everything came clear and I, myself, was extremely surprised with the ending.
A mix of elephant facts and a compelling story, this book is a must read and one I will reread again.
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